April 25, 2005


Today, I met the legendary elite buaya Frostheart, the guy Knight warned me never to meet because he was treacherous, very treacherous. I'm glad to report that I survived the encounter with my virtue intact, and that Frosty was actually gracious and kind enough to travel to Sunway Pyramid to drop me his copy of WoW, and then travel back to his house to continue his game.

OMG the playboy-poetic-heartbreaker image is almost down the drain, uncle. But then again maybe that's the way he lures innocent little girlies like me down a path of sin and debauchery.

So, dudes and dudettes, this will be what I'll be playing from now on.

If you see me online and I don't reply you, this is the reason why. I'm already a level 6 Undead warrior, and the reason I'm out here typing this is because I clocked a latency of 1698!!

I'll be going in to try my luck again, so cya around.


Anonymous said...

turn back while you still can

Fish Fish said...

That's one thing I dare not let myself touch it. Cause I know if I'm to start it, I'll have to say tata to my study liao~ -_-"

seth.frostheart said...

wow, i'm honoured... half a post dedicated to the buaya in me eh? *chuckles*

well... welcome to WoW :D hope you like the stay. and oh yea, about the latency problems, i don't think you're the only one getting it. read it up on the forums...

Johann said...

I might get my buddy's account... we'll see. If I do, I'll let you know, though I doubt you'll be playing US Servers.

Lancelot95 said...

JohannK, we are all playing in US server because we bought our package from US. So no worries, come join us ins Gorgonash server :).

Ah knight sulk liao .... 1 sentence hahahahah ... Be grateful ok, I got kosong here ... telur betul !

seth.frostheart said...

LOOOSSSEERRRR!~ *points at knight and lance does the L sign with the thumb n the index finger*

eh wait, what she said ain't exactly flattering you know. this preassumption of me being a buaya is so goddamn overrated!! (>_<)

Saffron said...

Cannot liao, well and truly into the web. I'd still be playing now if I didn't lag so badly there weren't any quests I could do without dying. :(

@fish fish:
If you join quick quick we can play together yay. :)

Haha, I'll make this a trend then, random people to feature in this blog. :) Should start with all the buayas I know. *grins*

Pray pray latency probs gone.

Man you should really get going. If we could all play together it'd be so fun!! *squeals*

Ho ho ho, stay tuned. :)

I did a few tributes to you liao ler...still not enough? :(

Okie okie, next time will send flower. Happy or not?

It's not preassumption actually, I heard from reliable sources that you're pretty elite, though you may have softened now. The Oaf also said you look like a playboy. *grins*

And why you keep inching away from me like you very scared like that? I'm very nice ge leh. *growls* :)

S£ΔNNΔ said...

Repent oh lost soul! Repent and thou shalt be forgiven thy sins!

The end is nigh! I see the coming of the darkness! The chaos shall fall upon all without remorse!

Why dost thou sin? Leave now thy necromantic ways! Shalt ye commit heresy? Ye should not! Repent of thine evil ways, and leave the dead be! Turn whilst thou can!

Why let the frosted of heart corrupt thee? Listen to the champions of good! Why dost thou listen to evil? Follow the ways of the knights in white! They serve the true god! Repent of thy sins and ye shalt be forgiven!

These are the words given unto thee!

NOTE: Forgive any mistakes... I didn't really bother to countercheck...

So, in other words, Saffy!!! Don't do it!!! Don't let yourself be corrupted by MMORPGs! If you do, your studies are in danger!!! I'm such a busybody... :p

seth.frostheart said...

reliable sources my undead ass!!~ this be a campaign to slander me!! (>_<) and tell the oaf, no more guides, equipments or gold from me. no more you hear!! NO MOREEE!! playboy aye.. bah!! he can wander aimlessly through tirisfal glade for all i care, muahahaha!!~ i will sic some worgs and vampiric bats on him while i'm at it, hur hur...

oo was i inching away saffy? hrm, i didn't noticed *grins* technically, that's better cos' you wouldn't want me to stick too close tho. who knows, the buaya in me might suddenly reappear :P