December 27, 2004

Like a leper

I'm gonna talk about my dinner experience today.

It's a day just like every other, and we went out for dinner in Pandan Indah, another one of those generic HK style eateries that're springing up like slugs after a downpour. That about tells you how I really feel. :p

However, today's post is not going to be a food blog. Oh no, today, I'm going to share with you the experience of being treated like a leper. Before you wonder, no, I am not deformed or something like that. I've been diagnosed with bronchitis, and as a result have been coughing rather err, dramatically, to be subtle.

I didn't actually notice how bad my coughs were when I was quarantined at home for close to three weeks now, but in public it was really bad. The people sitting around us were visibly recoiling from me, and no, I did NOT launch phelgmy projectiles at my fellow diners. Unlike the uncouth fishmonger barbarians at the Pudu market, I cough with my hand over my mouth. :)

Still, it's mildly disconcerting to have people glance at me, worried that the terminally ill TB patient might transmit her germs to their kids skating around in their stupid shoes with wheels. You know, if you're too lazy to walk when you're 7, you might as well die of bronchitis/TB/whatever now and save us the trouble of feeding another mouth. We only have so many resources, and we can't waste it on lazy slobbering kids.

But this is not about kids, this is about me. The reason I'm posting this now is because I can't sleep. Lying down seems to exacerbate the coughs, bleah.

Thanks to Narrowband for alerting me about my clumsiness.

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