October 22, 2004

This post is kinda full of obscure references to people you probably don't know.

I am a heartless bitch, I don't like to have anything to do with anything alive. Definition of alive: anything that has to depend on me for food/shelter/care/love. Ocassionally though, I find myself touched by the plight of animals.

About a year ago a good friend from BF, who's a guinea pig nut, tried to nurse a very sick Pig 3 back to health, but failed. Through the course of a 3-4 PMs, I started to feel bad for Pig 3, and tried to send a kiss to it in hopes that it would get better, ala Snow White. The poor thing died though, and in the end my friend composed a little something called The Pig 3 Ditty, and it was so infectious one of his beefy biker housemates was caught humming along to the tune.

Today, I am again reminded of the same feeling. The feeling of sadness because a friend tried to nurse a sick animal back to health but failed. (It's not the same friend btw)

RIP, animals. Take care of yourself, friend.

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