October 23, 2004

Pointless Post #85

I was struck by a recent conversation between my parents that was quite...evocative. We were in the car driving to some restaurant for dinner with my aunts and grandparents, who were in their car at the back of us. Anyways, dad was driving well within the speed limit because, well, mom gets fidgety whenever anyone travels over 80 on a highway. (No one in the family got her genes, heheh)

That day though, mom was bitten by the speed bug, and asked my dad why he was driving so slowly. Me and my brother, we were sitting in the backseat, and we exchanged very meaningful glances. Dad said he didn't want my granpa to have to drive fast to keep up, to which Mom retorted that granpa probably drives faster than him.

Sidenote: My dad was once an obnoxious taxi-driver, and currently drives a souped-up Wira. He's not exactly a neophyte when it comes to driving.

Anyways, Dad, being male, and therefore completely under the thumb of his wife, accelerated a tad. So we were sitting in the car discussing the disparity between America's imports and exports, when it started to rain. That was when it happened.

"Why're you driving so fast? You want to kill us all?" (said by Mom)

Ok, so it was raining, and the roads are slippery. Didn't stop us from looking at each other with raised eyebrows though, heh. Dad obliged and slowed down accordingly, and mom sat back and enjoyed the scenery. After about 15 minutes of slow cruising, the weather went from heavy rain to heavy drizzle, and I was starting to get cranky cos I'm hungry. Mom then told dad to step on it cos it was 8+ and my aunts were used to eating dinner at 7.

Meaningful glances were again exchanged by the occupants of the backseat. Snickers were withheld, as my dad, long-suffering and probably resigned to the fact that [generalisation alert!] women are VERY contradictory, accelerated the car.

It was then that I realised that my dad had a heck lot of patience, cos if I was driving I would've gotten out of the car and given up the driver's seat to my mom. In a polite and mannerly fashion that would not result in her disowning me, of course. But I digress; there was just no way for my dad to win. Luckily for him he also has a wacky sense of humour, which gets us in stitches whenever my mom does things like this to him.

This post has absolutely no point. :p Hooray for dad, I suppose.

1 comment:

Kimberly Low said...

For a second, I wondered if you were my sister. LoL. My dad, bro and I just hate driving whenever mom's on the passenger seat. She would nagged from point A to point B or shriek for no reason. Sometimes you can't help but believe she's trying to startle you into an accident so she could give you the "I told you so" speech. Sigh...