April 16, 2005

Airing dirty linen in public

Writing personal blogposts directed at a particular person has never been my style, but since you wanted to make this public, I can play along. I take offense at the implication that I left without saying goodbye, so here's the chat log, verbatim. For those of you who care to be embroiled in this little bitch fest, judge for yourselves.

Pink font belongs to Seanna. Black font is mine.

Seanna: hi
Saffron: hello
Seanna: you won't believe this
Seanna: but i just woke up like 1 minute ago

Saffron: spectacular
Saffron: enjoying your hols, I see

Seanna: huh?
Seanna: no no
Seanna: you got it wrong
Seanna: i slept earlier
Seanna: i woke up
Seanna: wondered, is anybody online
Seanna: err
Seanna: wait
Seanna: slear stuff my dad left on my desktop
Seanna: clear*
Seanna: ah
Seanna: done

Saffron: ok
Seanna: then popyou come on
Seanna: yay, i'm not alone anymore

Saffron: eh, not in a talking mood la, cya around, ok?
Seanna: now that i'm done rambling, how are you?
Seanna: ah
Seanna: no problem

At this point I closed the chat window.

Seanna: just
Seanna: that night when you left for a while with the "brb", was that about the cat?

Saffron: I don;t remember
Seanna: oh
Seanna: checking email?
Seanna: got the video clip i sent you?

Saffron: Seanna, I don;t want to talk tonight, ok?
Saffron: cya around

Seanna: okay
Seanna: just take a look at the video clip i sent you, okay?

Saffron: ok, thanks. :)
Seanna: you'll love it
Seanna: it's no problem
Seanna: :)
Seanna: nite...

At this point, the chat window was closed again.

Seanna: ...
Saffron: what?
Seanna: i don't even get wished back...
Seanna: not that i blame you, since you said you're not in a talking mood... i just had to say this, so don't mind me...
Seanna: just saying it

Saffron: can you at least respect the fact that I don;t feel like talking?
Seanna: i know
Saffron: I listen to you when you talk, despite the fact that sometimes I don't like to have problems heaped on me
Saffron: now you're bugging me because I didn;t wish you goodnight?

Seanna: i'm just saying it, you don't have to even read it
Saffron: then why say it?
Saffron: why say it at all?

Seanna: i dunno... i do that sometimes when people leave suddenly
Saffron: I told you twice I wasn't in a talking mood
Seanna: i guess it's my way of making up for it
Saffron: that's called 'suddenly'?
Seanna: i talk to this air
Seanna: thin*

Saffron: you should really try not to be so selfish and actually LISTEN to other people for a change
Saffron: thw world does not revolve around you

Seanna: i wasn't
Saffron: good night
Saffron: I hope you're happy now

Seanna: i was just talking to thin air


Was I harsh? Yes. Did I leave without saying goodbye? NO I DID NOT. The next time you're feeling bad/lonely/depressed/whatever don't try to lay the blame on me. I haven't been in a good mood in the past few days. To my credit, I warn people beforehand if I'm feeling moody, so you poke me at your own risk.


Lim Tik Loon said...


Saffron said...

I'm not in a bad mood now, hahaha.

Oh man, I'm so sorry for putting you in this. :((

Buy you a burger when you get over here. :)