March 29, 2005

Making up your mind

I was reading Eve's post and happily posting comments when I realised that I've identified the way I solve problems. You know the standard problem-solving procedure (no, not this one) where you have to identify the problem, set the parameters of your options, generate as many options as you can and assign weightage to the pros and cons, and then finally decide? On a sidenote, I can't believe I still remember all the Business stuff I did. :p

Well, I don't do it that way. Whenever there's something I can't solve or something that bugs me, I find out what exactly is bugging me, which usually surfaces about 10 minutes into the thinking. Immediately I'll go by instinct and limit myself to maybe 3 options, and then do the whole pro-and-con thing. It's at this stage that I'll fret and worry about the right decision and all the possible impacts, cos I'm kinda anal like that.

This stage usually lasts at least a day. Anything less and it's not really a big problem. :p After that one day I'll feel so fed-up and frustrated over the whole thing hanging over my head that I'll just wing it and do what I feel like doing.

Justification: Whatever I plan to do will not work out the way I want it to anyway, so I might as well just do something and force it into action rather than wait around and try to decide. At the time that something happens, I'll just try to be as 'sing muk' as possible, wing it and hope for the best. Actually, those 7 words pretty much sums up my life: Wing it and hope for the best. Hmm, maybe it's time for a blog-name change...

This also explains why I'm not a chess player. On the rare ocassions that I do play, the average time it takes me to make a move is 3 seconds, which would be really Grandmaster-like if I can actually manage to keep at least half of my pieces by the 13th moe. Real chess players would probably feel an insane urge to strangle me now, which is another reason to be thankful for blogs vs real-time convos.

I have a nagging feeling that this is the reason why I keep making bad decisions. Maybe I need my very own Monica (been watching the friends reruns). :D

The reason for all this manic updatin is because I'm still evacuated from my flat, and am now stuk in my aunt's house, which is a place where Cartoon Network is on all day. I'm not exaggerating. :(


Pebbles said...

I can never play chess too. I got no patience for it!
But hey sound like you have hatched it! ;)

seth.frostheart said...

eh eh... what's wrong with cartoon network? it's good okay... :P

chess, on the other hand.. is too taxing for my brains O.o

Saffron said...

Glad to see we're kindred spirits. :)

It's fine in small doses. At the time of that post, that channel has been on for 5 hours. If I hear another squeaky voice I'm going to murder someone.

Haha, kena plan sikit la, just in case shit happens youneed to have a contingency plan. But dwelling over it is not going to solve anything lor, in the end must take action or force the other guy to take action. Actually, a bit like chess also, heheh. :)

S£ΔNNΔ said...

*Strangles Saffy*

You're supposed to think at least 3 to 5 steps ahead when you play chess! And that's just for normal play! Argh!

*Strangles Saffy again*

Hehe, anyway, I guess that's you... Unlike me... I worry too much... It's good that I consider everything and even have a backup plan for my backup plan, but I guess I dwell on it too much... But still...


*Strangles Saffy once more*