March 18, 2005

The calm before the storm

What's worse than painstakingly accumulating 1 million Gs in 3k amounts in FF3 just to find out that the cute little white chocobo in the Aunction House ain't for sale?

Ans: Having a Pysch exam on Sunday. Yeah, you read that right. On a fucking Sunday, bloody hell.

There's no better way to completely screw up my weekend, cos being me, I haven't started on anything yet, so I have 10 chapters to cover tomorrow. Hooray!

On top of it all, it has to be Pysch. I hate pyscho-analysing people (actually I'm just really bad at it, so I pretend that I don't like to do it), and I hate having people pyscho-analysing me (they're spot-on most of the time, which makes me very uncomfortable).

So instead, I'll continue to annoy people with my disgusting, irritating I'm-perky-always-look-on-the-bright-side attitude, and focus on the things I'll be doing at exactly 5.15pm on Sunday.
    I will be going to Port Klang with the gang for a seafood dinner, during which I will attempt to single-handedly cause the unnatural extinction of whatever species of crab we'll be ordering.

    I will go drinking with buddies and proceed to get smashed. Or I'll just drink at home if no one takes me up on that offer. Bloody spoilsports.

    I will install the Sims and play till my right hand dies of carpal tunnel. Ditto KoTOR, and any other game I haven't played up till now.

    I will go for the Haagen Daz RM33 eat-all-you-can promotion, and boy am I going to eat all I can.

    I will go on a trip with my buds from college, and proceed to flirt the balls off any guys I meet.

    I will go out and have lunch with Suanie some day, and hopefully survive the encounter.

    I will update my cache of porn.

    I will finally have time to make the belated surprise gift for my friend's birthday.

    I will rewrite Jasmine, Leelee and The House of Broken Dreams. (yes, I suck at title-ing, bite me)

    I will find suitable storage facilities to store my books that are haphazardly arranged everywhere because my mom took down 4 of my shelves.

    I will get a job, maybe in the second month of my vacation, when I really start to stink. IF the pay is right.

    I will go back to updating this blog regularly.

    I will fall in love.

Nothing can stop me now, muahahaha.

PS: Surprisingly, I feel so calm now I'm lazy to even start studying. Maybe focusing on imminent death (when my parents see my result slip) would be better motivation to study. Oh well, too late now. ;)


narrowband said...

Typical lah - I also like that one. Hehehe (no, not proud of it).

But hey, 10 chapters.. quite alot if you ask me. Haven't started a *bit*?

I love to think about the things I'll do after an exam too - How I'll pamper myself and stuff like that. Pretty much like you lah. (Ya, haven't sat for paper, already think about post-exam fun)

On the trip you plan to go with your college dudettes (assuming many females included) - Time, date and place, pls? (haha!)

Good luck this Sunday, Saff!

Resurrected said...

Saffron : Good luck! :) And enjoy drinks and Sims. Oh boy I miss The Sims. I tried making gay and lesbian couples with a child to boot, but didn't work out :P

Come let's go for ice cream! Wheeeee!

iblogme said...

Best of luck! *Gasp*, it's Sunday already!

Pebbles said...

Knowing you, you probably score an A for this. ;)Still waiting for that lunch to happen.

Johann said...

Yay for re-writing stories!

"?" for updating cache of pr0n!

Resurrected said...

Boss, you having bad hangover today? :P

Anonymous said...

heheh.. saff you are starting to sound more and more like i did during my last year at apiit... all the what's worse than this etc etc? 9 months of undone final project to be done in 3 weeks! etc etc. It was fun though. 3-4 years from now when you've becomed the corporate wage slave or maybe a women's rights activists cum news straights time columnists and you'll be reading this entry again going "wow I was such a whiny procrastinator then...." and you'd add, smiling to yourself, "...and i haven't changed!"

Fish Fish said...

*LOL* RM33 for eating buffet ice cream. You good in gulping so much ice cream in one time or not?

When you fall in love, dun forget to inform you readers ar~ :P

Good luck in study! ;)

Saffron said...

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I forgot that I didn't reply, I'm not snobbish and elitist and not answering my comments, really!

And I thought I walked alone. *grins*

Really 10 chapters, really haven;t touched a bit. Thankfully could finish on time. I'm in Mass Comm, there're only girls here. :)

Thanks. :) Why didn't it work out? YOu know you have to adopt right?

Haha, yeah. But I was cool and calm. ;)

Nola, this sem have to be bloody realistic. I missed more than a month of classes (cumulatively) and I have 3 heavy subjects out of a total of 6. I'll be happy with a pass, and maybe a credit or two. :)

Can't help it, I'm greedy.

Supply me with some weed when you get your lazy ass over here. :)

No, I had crab. :)

Wow, what made you come our of lurkerdom? :)

Should ask the sifu for past experience next time, so I know how to handle exam stress. My way isn't very healthy, heheh, but then again I don't think you can help me either. :D

@fish fish:
I like ice-cream. A lot. :)

Don't worry, will inform everyone of everything because I have a blog and that's what blogs are for. Thanks again!