January 17, 2005

What's another word for 'screwed'?

"Fucked," apparently.

We were supposed to hand in an assignment that's worth 30% of our grade today, but apparently the entire class got the paradigms wrong. Paradigm's a big word, innit? To give you a simplified, everyday idea of the assignment, they show you two fruits, say an apple and a durian. You're required to identify the fruit before writing your paper. The entire class said the apple was the durian and wrote about how apples are pokey and foreigners (who have no taste) can't stand the smell.

Now let's play a game. Hold up your left hand. Got it? Now test your motor skills and try to hold your thumb and index finger so that they're about an inch apart. Right, now imagine that space filled with paper. Imagine that paper filled with size 10 font. To really make the game interesting, the words are written by stuffy academics with names like Durkheim, Hovland and Horkheimer. One look at the names and you know you're waist-deep in manure.

That inch of paper is the only glimmer of hope we have of ever getting this assignment right. Told you paradigm's a big word. Gotta hand it to the guys who invent swear words, "I'm fucked," is a pretty eloquent way of summing up my whole day. In fact, the whole week.

Hooray for boobies.

That statement was totally irrelevant. I just wanted to be random cos I need a stiff drink and I can't have one.

The good news is we got an extension. The thing is now due on Thursday. The bad news is at the rate we're going, failure is the only bloody option.


sarah said...

Oh yes- Durkheim and Horkheimer. Read some of their works when I was learning Communication Theory back in Sem 1.

anjali* said...

Hokkiens will say "tiew" :lol:

Reta said...

eh mass commer too? CT sounds familiar =)

Foot Futt said...

Ok the apple and durian analogy (it was an analogy rite?) totally went over my head. How could you possibly identify an apple as a durian?

seth.frostheart said...

whooo.. fuxxored...

thursday... well, this calls for constructive bullshiting... give it a go, it might work saffy...

and good luck... you can do it ^^ *pats shoulders*

Buaya69 said...

the no.1 thing i learnt best from uni is "professionally done bullshitting'. hey, i'm a consultant now! go for it babe ;)

S£ΔNNΔ said...

Call me crazy, but strangely or otherwise, when I imagined the fistful of rolled up academia that could be read, I had this image of it shining in gold and platinum, so much that I wanted to open it and read. Okay, trying to get at Saffy here, but also, I'm serious. It really happened. Weird, huh?

Anyway, about the apple being called a durian. I believe it's an analogy of what paradigms are. "Apple" and "Durian" are just names we learnt the different fruits as. In a different paradigm, the durian could have been called "Apple" and the apple could have been called "Durian". So I think that's the point of the whole exercise.

S£ΔNNΔ said...

And oh yeah, how's this sentence?

"I fucked a light bulb in for my mom yesterday."

Somehow, I just find it awkward to say it that way. Is it just me or what?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for boobiesI'll drink to that :)

Saffron said...

Unfortunately for us, USM lecturers are more anal about stuff, so no internal marking. Bleah.

Goes to show that ya learn something new everyday! ;)

Yuppers, mass commer. You have a beautiful site!

Because the characteristics that define an apple and a durian is so convoluted that it's easy to mistake it for the other. When I say difference between apple and durian it's simple, so that just shows you how difficult it is to differentiate between the 'apple' and 'durian' of Comm Research and Theory.

Isn't it fun to be me. :p

EVERY single assignment I've written so far demonstrates NOTHING but the art of crapping. How else would anyone expect me to churn out 1800 word assignments over the course of 24 hours? :D

Hoho, consultancy is another word for 'money under the 'drawer'. No wonder can plan to buy convertible. *grins*

You're crazy.

No, the whole point of the exercise was to state whether it was a durian or an apple and then back it up with citations on why. Durian: spiky, pungent, very good, heaty, yellow, sweet, etc. Paradigms CANNOT shift unless I want a nice big red F in my CGPA.

Like I said, I'm fucked.

Randomness rocks, yes? :)