November 05, 2004

Land of the Free

And it has started.

Voters pass all 11 amendments on gay marriage

Land of the free indeed.

What I don't understand, is how they can say “Ultimately, only our Federal Marriage Amendment will protect marriage.” Notice the little underlined bits. Like more people getting married is a bad thing what would completely derail the 'institution of marriage'. It's good no one claims this as a victory for logic, cos the logic just doesn't fly. All the time I'm reading that article I was waiting for someone to invoke the Great Book.

Organised religion. *snorts* I for one, never believed in a god that doesn't work on the principles of logic. A god that would openly advocate discrimination against a group of people for no logical reason. A god that's not above fear/hate/pettiness. A god who doesn't immediately strike down his followers for casting the first stone. Yeah, I'm bitter. If I wanted to worship a god like that, I might as well just randomly pick someone sitting next to me on a bus and just worship him instead.

Deja vu. Which side do you think these people would've been on when the fight to legalise interracial marriage was ongoing? *sigh* Yes, cheap shot. I'm just disappointed that at this time and age, even people in America react like this. I guess there really is no hope for us then.


Kervin said...

I'm not religious advocate (and I'd believe those that are would crucify me for the amount of times I skipped church). But if there is a God, yes the wouldn't want discrimination and injustice, yet he would not mollycoddle us as well. WE are just humans and our interpretation of the word (whatever religon out there) are ours alone. We should not blame religion but the people that in the name of religion commits attrocities in what they believe is God's wish. In the end we are masters of our own fate. The Republicans have kept no secret about their distaste of gays, interracials and immigrants, but many of the hard core religious people in the States still view any abberation from what they consider the norm is evil and should be stamped out. So guess that's one reason why Bush is still there.

Saffron said...

The problem is with people who refer to Holy Books as the final word, and those who seem to think that god spoke to them alone and are somehow convinced that this crusade is justified, nevermind that there's no logical reason for them to take this stand, apart from the voices in their heads. And irrational fear. And misunderstanding. And hate. Pick one *shrugs*

It should be pretty obvious now that I don't have a lot of patience for organised religion and the people who take holy books literally. If I have offended anyone, well, that's the way it is. Maybe this is why I don't have a lot of friends. :)