November 15, 2004

Because video games are evil

I got an absolutely hilarious email from a friend! Ok, so this is technically a filler blog post, but just look at these and tell me they're not priceless. Non-gamers need not apply, thanks. :)

Because they do! They're evil I tell you!

Imagine walking around in this. I wish they made shirts like this here.

Teehee. No matter how jevunile this seems to be, I still smile when I see people toss this lame insult around.

Lame Insults Part 2. Used exclusively to beat n00bs at their own game, thank you.

Everyone's said this at least 29 times throughout their gaming lifetime, yes? Especially to moms when they're threatening to throw the power switch to your room if you don't switch off the PS2 right this minute!

Every geek's dream come true, I guess. I have no idea what the Japanese says, but I can see 3 Chinese words there that may mean something along the lines of the English script.

More funnies!

Fucking hilarious. This is possibly the funniest t-shirt EVER. Humbly IMO, of course. ;)

I realise this isn't exactly funny, but that's the closest I've been to a D20, so nyeh.

FPSers unite! Imagine the skill and precision needed to do a headshot. I swear they're the coolest.

How many times do you say this in a day? :)

Get the reference? :)

How many times have you heard these? Go on, count em.

Another cool shirt. And because I like to be Captain Obvious, she's kicking him in the balls.

Donkey Kong's princess seriously needed one of these babies.

Cheap shot, yes, but still funny.

Finally (for the t-shirt section)...this is like deja vu, only it hasn't happened yet. That was a stupid sentence, but I'm going to be a stupid cleric in WoW. *cries* In a stupid knee-length skirt and a club/mace thingy that's as unwieldy and ungraceful as a, well, club/mace thingy. If I'm going to be ungraceful I'd be an orc warrior and communicate chiefly in grunts and groans. That would be cool. :)

Because it's a hoodie, and hoodies rule.

If I ever have a kid, it's so wearing this for the rest of its life. Okay, at least the first 2 years then.

Needs no words...

Note: I have no idea where these came from, and it's not very likely that my stoner friend has so much free time to do this himself, so I'm guessing some online shopping site that's so popular with credit-card holders right now. If you know, tell me so I can credit where credit's due. Thanks. :)

Edit: Shirts came from Thanks to Berukboy for wasting 30 of his life figuring that out. Mad props, yay! If anyone orders from the site, please send me a pic of you in the shirt of your choice so I can drool over it.


Kimberly Low said...

heh cute a private joke among gamers i suppose

Saffron said...

It's not exactly an inside joke, just a lot of references to what gamers typically do/see. If you don't understand any of these it means you're one of the cool people. :)

You're way too old skool for me. :) I never touched those paper-and-pencil D&D games, and my first game was Super Mario Bros on the Micro Genius. I have vague recollections of playing Space Invaders on my uncle's Atari, but I think I was too young at that time. Never had a computer that can handle games until I was about 14, so I missed the heydays of Star Control and all those games.

I pretend to be a guy on forums (I'm all exposed now, so bleh) and I pretend to be a guy playing a girl in MMORPGs. Female characters are much more better to look at than males. Besides, no one really believes I'm a girl anyway.

Mad props for finding the site those shirts came from. Bloody exchange rate puts them out of my reach, but it's nice to know there're cool t-shirts out there.

Btw, good girls don't brag about the notches on their joysticks. :)

Anonymous said...

Man! Haven't played and enjoyed a computer game in years. The last one that I remember playing was Baldur's Gate II. After that I never had the patience to play any other game. Kind of got uninterested after they started to churn out too many war games.

Saffron said...

Yeah, you kinda have to sift through a lot of the junk to find the really good games.

BG2 rocked! :)

seth.frostheart said...

STFU and OMFG takes the cake for me.. hey, I think I'll silkscreen em up myself ^^