October 06, 2004

There's hope yet

I'm beginning to get the hang of this HTML stuff. If someone who freaks out after finding out her entire blog went italic can begin to make head and tail of HTML, I think nothing's impossible. FYI, it happened because I forgot to close an italics tag. :p

Since this is basically a useless update, I'll also mention that I'm off to finish my my wine and then I'm packing up to go to sleep. Thanks again to the publicity-shy guy for explaining all the CSS stuff.



Lancelot95 said...

Well, at least it went italic and not dissappear when a certain kind of tag is accidentally squeezed inside ..

Hurray , you're getting addicted to this stuff as we speak!

seth.frostheart said...


lolzx... joking guys n girl.. jokinggggg... *moves back slowly and turns around to run*

Saffron said...

Nolar, I just know what's supposed to go where, and I can understand the titles liao. I'd prefer not to have to fiddle with HTML and magically will my ideal layout to existence, unfortunately it doesn't work that way. :p

Was there ever any doubt? :D

Saffron said...
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