June 17, 2006

Spring Cleaning

dusting cobwebs, opening windows, and surreptiously dumping dead rats into the drain.

Tentatively, I'm back.


Tan Yee Wei said...

hey, you're back.

Pop the champagne, blare the klaxons, the saffron is back in business!

Resurrected said...

Hey Saffy. Welcome back! I am back too. Go check it out. And can you please email me? I think i only have the address which you no longer check. :P You told me the other address but I can't find it!

Mei Huomo said...

hi..I accidentally found ur blog and "Broken Dreams" post when i was looking for broken heart photos.

Well, boys will be boys. I had a hard time too to figured out who they are exactly. They're just unpredictable, or can I say "opportunist?".

Well..nice to read urs.

seth.frostheart said...


are you really back?!*jumps for joy* =P

welcome home saffy...