October 04, 2004

It's amazing how much someone you've never met can affect your life.

Last year, I moped around for days after finding out that a highly-respected poster in Blizzforums, who goes by the moniker of Sardaukar, had died. His brother Andrew contacted the admins in the forum and relayed the news, which resulted in an immense outpouring of grief for Sardie. In our own way, we each tried our best to honour his memory.

I never knew Sardie well, as in, I never talked to him apart from postings in the forum, and maybe a few times when we disagreed on the Iraq war. When I found out he was dead, I remember surfing BF with tears streaming down my face. At that very moment, I realised how much respect I can have for a guy whom I've never met, a VP of a telco with a wife and 3 kids who also happens to be a kickass debator.

Then a few months back, Elcap let me in on a project he was working on. Apparently Sardie wasn't really dead.

Honestly, I still have this image of Sardie in my head, of the man who could hold his own against the onslaught of liberals, and who always maintained his cool even when being attacked and insulted by morons who have no clue what the word 'civil' means. I can't reconcile that image to this very cruel prank he has apparently pulled. So Sard, if you somehow stumble across this blog and you read this, I wish you well in your life and your career, but I do not wish to speak to you again. At least not yet.

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