April 17, 2005



About an hour ago I was stranded in the Bukit Bintang area because the lout I was with got too inebriated to drive us home. What kind of blockheaded Ah-Bengish idiot gets wasted to this extent before 2am? That's not rhetorical, btw. Just come up with the worst names that you can. He has really thick skin. :p

So, in the cool night air, with the raucous sounds of merriment and drunken debauchery coming from the the Pusat Maksiat behind me, I stood there, on the pavement outside, with an intoxicated baboon next to me. An intoxicated, drooling baboon, who was, get this, crying about his ex-girlfriend.

I think all the italics just killed me.

Thankfully I had a nice little buzz going from all the (free) beer, or else I swear on everything green and pretty that I would have commited bloody murder, right there and then.

What a fantastic way to spend the Saturday night. *rolls eyes*

The only thing I had going for me was free beer. For some reason it puts me in a good mood. Heh, free beer, whoohoo! Hmm, now that I think of it, I'm thankful that the bugger didn't throw up on me. That would've really sucked.

Anyway, in the end, I managed to SOS someone to come pick me up. We all went for a drink (to get rid of the putrid fumes and the slight high-ness) and some supper, while the wasted lunk of ham snored (very loudly, no doubt) in the car. Hmm, now that I think of it, I'm thankful the bugger didn't throw up in there.

It would've sucked for GT (car owner), heheh.

So, to recap, never bring up sordid past relationships when you're with a guy. Or, if you wanna do it, do it in a place where there's no ready supply of alcohol, or you're really just screwing yourself over. Lesson number 2: never go drinking with guys. It's like, "Look ma, no hands!" followed by a crash. Or "I promise I'll pull out," and hello bun in the oven. This time, it's "I swear I won't get drunk tonight," followed by projectile vomitting.


On a final note, thanks for answering the SOS, babe. Love ya! :)

On a serious note, standing alone outside pubs and bars definitely does not feel safe. That night, I trusted the lout, and therefore did not have my usual arsenal of weapons (umbrella, pepper spray, craft knife, assorted rubber bands, water bottle etc) with me cos I didn't bring my big bag along.

I know better now!!!


Kimberly Low said...

can totally relate to you. that's why i dont really like going clubbing with guys (save for the tried and tested...urm u get the picture). there's also an annoying breed who could fool you into thinking that he really is sober....then you trust your life with him, let him drive u home till the cop stops him and finds his alcohol level way off. not to forget the moolah u have to chip in for his foolishness.

S£ΔNNΔ said...

Aww... Poor Saffy... Didn't I tell you not to drink alcohol? See where your hunger for alcohol got you? Stuck with a guy who drinks alcohol till he's wasted...

Anyway... Try this!

It's a Home Run!

seth.frostheart said...

-never go drinking with guys. It's like, "Look ma, no hands!" followed by a crash. Or "I promise I'll pull out," and hello bun in the oven. This time, it's "I swear I won't get drunk tonight," followed by projectile vomitting.-

HAHAHAHAHAHA.... *breathes*

true somewhat *shrugs* oh well.. :P i think it's the ego la. i got too much of that myself >_<