August 20, 2006

Neither here nor there

Blizzforums has always had an unfortunate history with database trouble. One time, the database was deleted because the owner wanted more space for his porn, and deleted the BF database. How amazingly smart. Okay, so he didn’t exactly delete it for porn, but still…

On the upside, we got to make fun of E-Man and his twitchy finger forever.

The last time it crashed, something corrupted the database and we had horrible temp forums that were churning cesspools of bile, whichy explains why I avoided them.

Recently I logged back into BF and found that I had been fired. Me, the uber Works-In-Progress moderator who single-handedly educated the entire populace of BF that clicking on your avatar leads you to your profile. Be nice and don’t ask what avatar I was using at that time.

Anyway, I passed my modelling pics to the Hogster and he posted them in Staff, and a short little note which basically had me say “Fuck you for firing me twerps!”. And now I’m an Elder, which means, in addition to having my name in a nice blinding neon green colour, I have access to Staff Forum as well yay.

What’s the point to this? Why, no point at all. This blog’s due for another name change, I reckon. There Is No Point.

Now to figure out how to incorporate His Royal Oafness into the name as well…


narrowband said...

Waw... got update.

iblogme said...

Congrats on the "promotion"..hehe. Glad to see you back. :)